Archive for December, 2011

December 8, 2011

By Jeff Parkinson

On December 7 2011, I learned of an OPP raid on one of the illegal smoke shacks around Caledonia that was about to take place, and decided to check it out.

At first it appeared that the OPP were going to get the job done. They brought plenty of officers, a moving van to clear out the house the squatter built behind the shack, enough trucks and vans to take away anyone who interfered, and presumably some kind of orders to get the job done.


December 6, 2011

By Jeff Parkinson

For those who have not yet heard, The Caledonia Eight is a group of people who on December 3, 2011 were arrested on Surrey Street in Caledonia because of the color of their skin. A trait over which they have no control.

The group consisting of Gary McHale, Merlyn Kinrade, Randy Fleming, Bonnie Stephens, Jack VanHalteren, Mark Vandermaas, Doug Fleming, & Jeff Parkinson had their freedom taken from them for walkilng down a public road owned by the Corporation of Haldimand County by order of the McGuinty government who does not own the road.


Community Corruption

December 1st 2011

By Jeff Parkinson

Earlier this year, Haldimand Mayor Ken Hewitt graced us with an endorsement of the construction of up to 200 new 450’ high wind turbines in Haldimand County, and a TV commercial called Community Commitment for the Samsung C&T Corporation which has mysteriously vanished from Youtube, but I have a copy so it will be back in due time.

Many have offered editorial responses through the local papers, & I thought seriously about a lengthy editorial here about why this is wrong, but decided instead on a video to sum up my thoughts on the relationship between Mr. Hewitt, Dalton McGuinty, & Samsung C&T.

The above preview for this video was released on November 12 2011, and frankly it did better than I expected, so here without further adieu is Community Corruption.

For those who may be concerned, if anyone with the means and motivation should try to get this video pulled, I have 8 backup copies ready to go so far which can easily become 20, 40, or 60 if need be.

Remember to share it if you like it, & stay tuned as December will be a big month for new releases at CanaceHD.