Archive for the ‘Phil Fontaine’ Category

An interesting take on the situation Canada is facing at the hands of Native Terrorists by Western Standard touching on such people as Jim Prentice, Phil Fontaine, Terry Nelson,  Angus Toulouse, Mike Harris, Dalton McGuinty, John Tory, and even Gary McHale (sort of). 

Also such Terrorists attacks as Oka where Mohawks shot and killed a cop, Ipperwash where they made Dudley George a martyr for being killed during battle with the OPP (yes they said during battle.. kudo’s Western Standard), the pathetic Ipperwhitewash Inquiry,  and Caledonia.

This one is definitely worth a read. Click here or on their interpretive art of how peace for June 29th was negotiated for the full story.

Native leaders are always eager to pull the twin levers of unsettled land claims and aboriginal poverty to keep the non-native population feeling guilty, sympathetic and willing to ship billions of dollars a year to natives on reserves.

Clearly, it works. This year, the federal government will spend $7.4 billion on services for the 428,000 people on reserves. When has so much money been spent on so few people for so little result?

The issue of land claims is the most vexatious. Again, we are supposed to feel guilty because we haven’t written cheques quickly enough. And yet, how credible are these claims? Take as an example the Algonquin claim to ownership of pretty much all of Eastern Ontario, including Parliament Hill. It rests on the idea that the ancestors of today’s Algonquins once roamed through this territory, although there was no concept of land ownership in the European sense.

A lawyer representing the Algonquins says a key point in their favour is that some Algonquins in the 19th century charged people for the use of the Ottawa River. Must mean they own it, no? Sure, in the same way that Robin Hood must have owned Sherwood Forest. Toronto lawyer Bob Potts, who represents the “Algonquins,” says any money they receive will help to “maintain their Algonquin-ness.”

Native leaders like to talk about poverty and injustice, but what they really want is money. Assembly of First Nations Grand Chief Phil Fontaine says native people were shut out in each of the last two federal budgets. Some shutout. The federal government spends $10.2 billion a year on native people. What he means is there weren’t any new handouts on top of the ones already being dispensed.

Read the full story here

Peterborough Examiner

While we spend millions of dollars having our military clean up the bloody nose the U.S.A. created in Afghanistan, citizens of Ontario are subject to what appears to be home grown terrorism by the self-declared Mohawk State.

Phil Fontaine, in appearance an articulate, thoughtful representative of the native cause, shows us in video the deplorable conditions on some of the native reserves. This is effective. Nothing gets Canadians to dig into their pockets more than guilt, pity and the sense of concern and decency.Shutting down major economic and transportation routes is economic terrorism. Most people are sympathetic to the cause but these actions have and will continue to damage the good work done by men like Mr. Fontaine.

Instead of spending money to clean up Afghanistan and help its government gain control of that country, our army should be at home helping the inept Harper government gain control here. If some citizens of Havelock decided to blockade Highway 7 because of an unfair provincial or federal policy, the OPP riot squad would be called out, the citizens would be gassed, pepper sprayed and bludgeoned into submission, arrested and ultimately prosecuted. Where does this relate to fairness for one and all?

Read the full story here

  Dunnville Report

  CHML: Deseronto Interview

  Global: On the scene from Deseronto

  CTV: On the scene from Deseronto

  CTV:  3:40pm update from Deseronto

 CTV:  Shawn Brant has been emboldened

 CHTV: Noon report from Deseronto and Haldimand

 CHTV: 6pm report from Deseronto and Haldimand

 CTV:  June 26 Duffy Interview with press gallery

 CTV:  Duffy interview with politicians

 CTV: Duffy interview with Terrorists Shawn Brant

 Global: Protest to start tonight, Natives will be armed

 CHTV: Day of Action

 CTV: June 28th Duffy Political View

 CTV: Duffy RCMP View

 CTV: Duffy Press View

 CTV: Duffy OPP View

 CTV: Duffy Phil Fontaine Interview

 CTV: Julian Fantino

 CTV: Phil Fontaine in Ottawa

 CTV: Via Rail to replace trains with buses

  Canada at The Crossroads – a retrospective leading into June 29th

Courtesy of dial up versions also available. Stay tuned there for all the latest as it happens.

OTTAWA, June 27 – I am aware of public statements in recent days about intentions to disrupt traffic during the National Day of Action in support of First Nations on June 29.

While these comments have been widely reported they are isolated comments and do not reflect the position of the Assembly of First Nations, or the many First Nations across the country, who have organized peaceful and positive events that are inclusive of all Canadians.

We respectfully urge Canadians not to criminalize First Nations people with respect to the actions they plan to take on June 29 and beyond.

(edit: Phil asks that you don’t fight back against Terrorism.. The same Phil Fontaine who Shawn Brant says told him to do this)

Read the full story here

Canada’s native leaders are walking a fine line as they plan for a national day of protest on June 29. They hope to be dramatic enough to draw attention to poverty on reserves, stalled land claims and other issues, yet most insist they aren’t thinking blockades or confrontation.

“We don’t want to cause a major disruption in the lives of Canadians, but at the same time, we also want to make sure they understand that this is a crisis,” Phil Fontaine, national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, said in an interview this week from Ottawa. Fontaine himself recently pointed out that public sympathy for aboriginal concerns was highest during the Oka crisis in 1990. (EDIT: Phil feels killing a cop made us more sympathetic toward them?.. sure Phil)

Read the full story here

Brantford Expositor

Canada’s native leaders are walking a fine line as they plan for a national day of protest on June 29. They hope to be dramatic enough to draw attention to poverty on reserves, stalled land claims and other issues, yet most insist they aren’t thinking blockades or confrontation. “We don’t want to cause a major disruption in the lives of Canadians, but at the same time, we also want to make sure they understand that this is a crisis,” Phil Fontaine, national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, said in an interview this week from Ottawa.Shawn Brant, a Mohawk protester from the Bay of Quinte First Nation who led a 30-hour rail blockade in April near Deseronto, Ont., said a group is planning an action within a “framework of economic disruption,” but were co-ordinating with other communities as to which infrastructure would be targeted.“We have our plans made, and it’s really just contingent on circumstances that come up within the course of the next seven or eight days …,” Brant said.“We’re not going to close a highway that’s already closed or a train line that’s already closed. If that’s done, then we’re going to adjust ourselves accordingly. We want to be the most effective that we can be,” Brant said. (Edit: How very peaceful)

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OTTAWA — With the threat of native rail and road blockades looming, the Assembly of First Nations and the RCMP have signed a protocol aimed at ensuring protests don’t turn ugly.Surrounded by the scent of burning sweetgrass, AFN national chief Phil Fontaine and interim RCMP commissioner Beverly Busson hailed the pact as key to maintaining good relations between natives and the Mounties.

“The purpose of this protocol is to establish trusting and reciprocal relationships among the parties with the goal of addressing issues of mutual concern and preventing crisis situations from arising in First Nations communities and resolving any crises that may arise at the earliest possible opportunity,” says the text of the agreement.

Both Fontaine and Busson said they are hopeful that the national day of action on June 29 will be a peaceful way for Canadians to gain a better understanding of native issues.

Courtesy of

The Harper government’s initiative to speed up Indian claims settlement is overdue, but represents but a small piece of a puzzle crying out for completion.

Only when such leaders as Phil Fontaine and Bill Wilson stand up and say as much will Canadians be able to look to a prospect of socioeconomic equality between Indians and non-Indians. At present, Fontaine, chief of the Assembly of First Nations, and B.C. chief Wilson – defeated by Fontaine last July for the top aboriginal job – are trapped in a victim mindset.

They’re pandering to the hotheads in their communities rather than speaking on behalf of innovation and the taking of personal responsibility.

Read the full story here

By the Mohawk Nation News: A Native Publication.

Ottawa is asking Phil Fontaine, the Walkie-Talkie Wizard of the AFN [Assembly of First Nations] to order us to stop expressing ourselves on June 29th and to go back into our hole.  The Red-X asked, “Is [Prime Minister] Steve Harper responsible for wiping every Canadian’s butt?  Is George Bush at fault for every American’s stupidity?”  Phil’s not our leader.  He’s theirs.  We don’t pay him. They do. This double talk is so annoying. The Red-X arrived on his silver eagle from the west where the sun never sleeps, to look over our vast great expanse of Indigenous territory, now scarred and polluted by centuries of cruel occupation.

Red-X said, “What’s this ota [crap] about appointing “neutral” mediators on land claims?  If they’re appointed by the feds, they ain’t neutral”.  The feds don’t want to negotiate fairly, that’s the bottom line.  When it comes right down to it, the Red-X said, “If it looks like ota, and it stinks like ota, then it sure as hell is ota!”

It’s the colonists who lie, steal and promote violence.  Violence is threatening and setting conditions to resolve their claims to our land. Look at Mohawk Shawn Brant of Tyendinaga!  After a 30-hour rail blockade, the whole world knows about our plight.  It affected the white mans dollars.  The public supported us even though they were inconvenienced.

Read the full story here

Video Proof and complete coverage

Who is Shawn Brant?

 23 Minute MUST SEE Video Proof of Terrorist Threat to Canada

Courtesy of Dial Up version also available News Staff

Native leader Phil Fontaine and the Liberals are opposing a Conservative bill that would extend equal human rights protections to First Nations groups, because they say it does not follows the recommendations of the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

“First Nations leaders are pressing for an appropriate response, and Bill C-44 isn’t that … because we’re looking for an appropriate transition period. And we want to make sure First Nations governments can address these matters that would be brought forward as a result of the change.”

Read the full story here

Canada’s native chiefs will pressure the national railways to close down for the Assembly of First Nations’ “day of action” on June 29, backing it up with a veiled threat they will probably face blockades from individual native bands if they refuse.

Indian Affairs Minister Jim Prentice responded by arguing that it is wrong for the AFN to place companies in the middle of a dispute with the government, and repeated his warning that blockades will only hurt the public support for their cause.

Chief Fontaine rejected that warning earlier in the day, even though he insisted that the AFN was not advocating violence or blockades. He argued that public support peaked during the 1990 Oka crisis, which saw the death of a provincial police officer and a tense three-month standoff between Mohawks and Canadian Forces soldiers.

Read the full article here

The violent and fatal standoff between Mohawks and Canadian soldiers in Oka, Que., 17 years ago marked a high point in Canadian sympathy for aboriginal issues, says Phil Fontaine, national chief of the Assembly of First Nations.

The pointed reference to the summer-long crisis came yesterday as chiefs from across Canada gathered to discuss a so-called Day of Action planned for June 29. Like Oka, the day could involve blockades. (EDIT: The murder of a police officer is considered a high point by these people?)

“The highest level of support for our position was during that crisis, that’s the highest level of support that Canadians have ever expressed for our issues,” Fontaine said in response to a reporter’s question about the effectiveness of civil disobedience. (EDIT: Stop sugar coating it Phil. It’s called Terrorism)

For Chief Terrance Nelson of the Roseau River First Nation, the plan is to blockade railway lines that move to and from the United States in southern Manitoba.

Read the full story here