Archive for the ‘Dunville’ Category

Updated October 11, 2007 – As we all know by now, the worst Premier in Ontario history has been elected to a second reign of horror. This is not good news for Caledonia or anyone who cares about law and order in Ontario, but it’s not the end of the battle. The things worth having in this life are not only worth fighting for but usually require fighting for and that is what we will continue to do. 

October 10, 2007

Today is the single biggest chance we have to change the landscape of what’s happening in Caledonia, and all you have to do to make a difference is take a few minutes to put a check mark in a box.

For anyone considering not voting today I ask you the following:

How would you feel if your vote could have been the one that knocks McGuinty out of power but you didn’t bother to do it? Remember the election that saw Bush elected was decided by a handful of votes.

Is the suffering of the children of the Sixth Line not worth taking a few minutes to vote against? Remember some of those who need McGuinty defeated the most are too young to vote, but you can cast yours on their behalf.

If you’re not sure that John Tory will keep his word and end the lawlessness, ask yourself what will Dalton McGuinty do if re elected?

Is that few minutes spent doing something else today worth 4 more years of being grossly overtaxed and knowing that your money is paying to keep illegal occupations, extortion and the oppression on your rights going?

How do you feel about the fact that every tax dollar you pay for the next 4 years will not begin to cover the cost of the OPP sitting in their cars refusing to help as someone is beaten nearly to death?

How does it feel knowing that every time McGuinty smiles for the camera, it’s because his hand is in your pocket?

How effectively can the billions of dollars from the McGuinty imposed health care tax have been spent when Sam Gualtieri was refused a CAT scan at almost every hospital his doctor had to call to beg to give him one?

If the current polls showing McGuinty way ahead are discouraging you, remember those are phone polls and half of those people won’t bother to vote today.

I’m going to spend the time it would take me to write a few more of these questions going out and casting my vote. I sincerely hope that you will all do the same!

Jeff Parkinson
Caledonia Wakeup Call
Canadian Advocates for Charter Equality

September 23, 2007

Remember this date ladies and gentlemen as today is the day that the Government silence and inaction on the lawless Native terrorism and extortion in Ontario died.

Conservative leader John Tory visited Caledonia today and made clear the position his PC government will take once in office on the curse that McGuinty has placed on Caledonia, and allowed to spread throughout the Province.

The following is from the official story as sent out by the PC party:

“Progressive Conservative Leader John Tory today returned to Caledonia, the site of the ongoing land-occupation, where he called for new leadership to resolve the current standoff and prevent other illegal occupations in the future.“For over a year and a half Dalton McGuinty has permitted an illegal occupation to paralyze this entire community,” Mr. Tory said, “He has failed the people of Ontario.

To date, Dalton McGuinty has refused to insist on the rule of law when it comes to illegal occupations. The Caledonia occupation alone has cost Ontario taxpayers $55 million so far. Similar disputes have since threatened communities ranging from Desoronto, Brantford, Hagarsville, the Village of York, and Dunnville.

Tory announced today that he would move to protect Ontario communities from illegal occupations by strengthening existing laws.

“I am announcing today that a PC government will amend provincial statutes, including the Trespass to Property Act to address the breakdown in law that results from an illegal occupation,” said Tory. This new act would respect the valid interests of each side, protect innocent bystanders, and set a policy framework for police.”

He also outlined the new ground rules that a Progressive Conservative government would enforce when confronted with an illegal occupation:

  • No negotiation with anyone engaging in an illegal occupation;
  • Oppose any group using an illegal occupation to extort concessions or payments
  • Insist that the authority of the courts, including court injunctions, are respected and enforced; and,

• Use the justice system to pursue civil action against those who participate in, direct, or financially support illegal occupations.

“I will stand up and stand beside the people of this province to ensure they are protected,” Tory concluded. “For a safe and strong Ontario, leadership matters.”


The racist political policing (or extreme lack of) known as 2 Tiered Justice was first referred to regarding Caledonia & DCE, but it is far from contained to one small town.

When Native Criminals took over the building site of what was to be a retirement home in Hagersville, the OPP not only stood and watched but assisted them in erecting a barricade to keep the legal owner of the property off of his land.

On June 29, 2007 the OPP closed the busiest highway in the Country the 401 because a small group of Native thugs said they might do it. No attempt was made to stop any of the blockades led by Terrorist Shawn Brant. Instead the Police we pay to protect us assisted him by blockading the road themselves.

When they laid a claim to the future site of a Wal-Mart in Dunville, nothing was done to stop them and the latest rumors are that Wal-Mart is canceling the building because of it.

When the Criminals showed up at a housing development in Brantford and demanded the construction of 200 new homes come to a halt, the OPP did nothing and the developer stopped.


Here We Go Again 

 By Christine McHale
August 28, 2007


Another one bites the dust!

Yes folks, it’s happened again. This time in Brantford, go figure!

A developer in Brantford was contacted by Six Nations last Thursday and told he had to stop all development of a housing sub-division because the land he bought wasn’t his. It belongs to Six Nations. Sound familiar?

The developer of Mayberry Homes, Mike Quattrociocchi, says he did everything right, everything he was supposed to do. He bought the land, got the land title, got the building permits, then made the fatal mistake of thinking all was good for go and he was in the clear. Never mind the fact that by that time, even before any ground was broken, before any basement was poured, before he did anything else, he would have spent millions already.

Now, after being told to stop all development, he is frustrated. Now that’s an understatement.

And, as if that weren’t enough, last Friday, six natives paid him a visit and told him that if he didn’t stop all development they would get twenty to thirty more natives to come and occupy land he had legally purchased, and legally had received all necessary land title, deed, and building permits for. Lock, stock and barrel!

So who runs this province anyways? Not the spineless McGuinty government, a government that would fail to recognize leadership if it bit them in the you-know-what!

The police perhaps? Nope!

So far, not one single developer, not one single police force, not one single McGuinty government MPP has stood up for justice.

To be sure, the developers, and they are a growing number, have made noise, but to no avail. Development has been stopped in Caledonia, Dunnville, Hagersville, to name a few, and now in Brantford, again.

Spineless, leadership clueless governments have enabled radical natives to thwart development and progress. Any why not? They’ve been given the green light by the government to go ahead, bring economic terrorism to town after town. They’ve been told to go ahead, claim land parcel after land parcel, rightly or wrongly so, and you just never know, you may walk away with oodles and oodles of land and cash to boot.

One glimmer of hope though. October 10 is coming up fast. Why not dump the clueless, leadership challenged McGuinty Liberals. After all, you can’t get any worse form of government that one which doesn’t govern.

By Gary McHale –

According to the Mayor it is Mr. Sloat who is directing council to pass the motion to read the Mayor’s Email. Mr. Sloat attempted to clarify this point by getting Mr. Pearce to state that Sloat wasn’t the one behind the motion. 

But is wasn’t too hard to see which council member was leading the charge because Mr. Sloat made the debate over the motion very personal – directly attacking the Mayor and her staff.

While Bartlett, Boyko and even Grice tried to find a middle ground it was clear Mr. Sloat would settle for nothing but all emails in his hands.

When Bartlett and Boyko presented the argument that no one wanted to read the Mayor’s email, Sloat was clear – I want her Emails.

Mr. Sloat’s argument was he missed an event that the Mayor went to and that was because she didn’t give him the email. The Mayor’s answer is that her staff forwards all emails that are either labelled Mayor & Councilor or includes a request to another council member.

I guess Mr. Sloat didn’t think that maybe this event he is so concerned about didn’t have his name on it in the email. Maybe the person who invited the Mayor didn’t include Mr. Sloat’s name and that is why he didn’t get a copy. 

Mr. Sloat is an experienced council member and I would ask why he cannot get people in his riding to email him directly instead of going through the Mayor? He does have an email account so why not ask why the person in his riding failed to email Mr. Sloat directly – maybe because Mr. Sloat wasn’t invited.

Mr. Sloat claims that he had nothing to do with creating the motion. Somehow his views are the ones expressed in the motion and somehow it just happens to be a personal problem he claims to be having with the Major but he didn’t help create the motion.


Read the full story here.

By Gary McHale –

One of the more surprising things that I heard at the Council Meeting last night was Boyko’s speech about how the first resolution title “Mayors Office Correspondence Management” was being called ‘Snooping’. He used the word more than once to refer to resolution that council had before it the previous week.

 He didn’t say that someone may think it is snooping or that people have told him it may be snooping, he was very clear that “it is snooping”. Boyko is an experienced councillor and who am I to disagree with his inside information on why last week’s motion was put forward. 

What is surprising is that according to Boyko’s judgement of the resolution, Ricker, Bartlett, Sloat and Pearce, who all had a hand in creating the resolution and/or bringing it forward, were trying to snoop.

Well quite the judgment call by Boyko towards the people who created and brought forward this resolution. Again let’s be clear, Boyko didn’t say that someone may think it is snooping, he declared it was snooping.


The solution to the snooping, for Mr. Boyko, was to have the new CAO (Chief Administrative Officer) be the one reading the email.

So let’s get this straight, Mr. Boyko saw the resolution to Ricker’s, Bartlett’s, Sloat’s and Pearce’s snooping was to have the New CAO be what?… the chief Snoop? 

How is controlling who is snooping change whether it is snooping?

How is a paid snoop any better than an elected snoop?

By Gary McHale 


One has to hand it to Grice for informing the public about the Revenge factor as the motivator behind the Email motion. During the debate about the Email motion Grice did a little speech in which he talked about a united council. To be more exact he was pointing to the press release by the council that blamed Harper and Harper alone for the ongoing problems on DCE. 

The Council was united that the OPP shared no blame. The Council was united that McGuinty should not be blamed at all. Grice and all the councillors wanted to blame Harper alone and thus they issued their press release. 

Grice stated last night that the Mayor publicly went against this within a few short hours.



Grice and Council were completely united that it was time to help McGuinty’s re-election campaign and say almost word for word what McGuinty and Fantino have been passing by the public as the truth for months. What McGuinty wants most is for the public, just before the election, to think that he has handled Caledonia properly.



How exactly, Mr. Grice, was Harper to stop the attack on the CHTV camera crew?

It is the OPP not the RCMP who police  Caledonia – maybe you didn’t notice that point?

 How exactly, Mr. Grice, was Harper to stop McGuinty from buying DCE? How was Harper to stop McGuinty from appealing Judge Marshall’s decision? 

 How was Harper responsible for appointing Fantino, the bully who has you so scared to speak out because he threatened to sue you?

It doesn’t take much logic to conclude that in Grice’s mind the council needs access to the Mayor’s email to ensure that she doesn’t speak out.

Now Mr. Grice didn’t directly say this – what politician directly says anything?  But he talked about how upset he was by the Mayor’s actions over the press release and this he did while debating the email motion.

Grice didn’t say the motion was needed so he could know about events in the area or because he was missing being invited to such events. He didn’t talk about how the motion was to allow for better bonding between the Mayor and the new CAO – those were Boyko’s and Bartlett’s speeches.

How, exactly, is passing this email motion to help? 






He stated, “Will this solve the problem? No. Will it help? maybe”. I got one clear message from Mr. Grice’s speech – How dare you mayor speak out. We told you what to say.

Fortunately for Haldimand County Mayor Trainer is no puppet.

Last week councillors were told to “Beware” by the county lawyer. What exactly are they to ‘beware’ of is not completely clear since the letter has not been made public. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs warned the Council to seek legal advice, but again it is not completely clear why since council stopped the Mayor as she was reading it out.

The new improved resolution by council was to remove them from the list of people intercepting the Mayor’s email.

Now I am not saying that these possible charges would hold up in court nor am I saying that a local council has the authority to override the Criminal Code of Canada. What I am suggesting is that council suddenly wanted their names off the list of people ‘intercepting’ the Mayor’s email.


Read the full story here. Much more at

Here is the resolution to deny your privacy.

Ist Resolution – Aug. 3, 2007

Resolution Re: Mayors Office Correspondence Management

WHEREAS THE Mayors’ office receives a considerable volume of correspondence through written or electronic form;

AND WHEREAS THE MAYOR has acknowledged in the past that management of this correspondence, especially e-mails has been overwhelming to the point where many e-mails may go unanswered of otherwise not responded to;

AND WHEREAS the management of this correspondence is critical to the effective operation of the County;

AND WHEREAS the dissemination of this correspondence to the remainder of Council as well as the Clerk is if utmost importance to successfully conduct the business of the Corporation;

THAT ALL correspondence sent and received through the Mayor’s office including all e-mail addressed to the Mayor by title or name, be copied to all councilors as well as the County Clerk;

AND THAT the Mayor’s assistant implement this direction for all hard copy correspondence;

AND THAT the General Manager of Corporate Services through the information Systems Division ensure that all e-mail sent to the Mayor by title or name, is automatically copied to all Councillors and the County Clerk;

AND THAT any questions or concerns from Councillors regarding specific correspondence to the Mayor’s office be first directed to the Mayor for a response and if required, the matter be referred to Council in Committee under the “Inquires, Announcements and Concerns of Councillors” part of the agenda.

 August 13, 2007

Lots of detailed information about this historic meeting is being made available via this site, and so I am going to just give you the straight brutal facts as they happened.

Democracy in Haldimand County is now dead. Your right as a citizen to communicate privately with your elected Mayor was Squashed in an unprecedented and unthinkable vote at tonight’s Council Meeting.

Buck Sloat voted that your privacy in speaking your mayor means nothing

Lorne Boyko voted that your privacy in speaking with your mayor means nothing.

Leroy Bartlett voted that your privacy in speaking with your mayor means nothing

Tony Dalimonte voted that your privacy in speaking with your mayor means nothing

Don Ricker voted that your  privacy in speaking with your mayor means nothing.

ONLY Craig Grice had the guts to stand up and vote against this absurd resolution which violates the privacy of each and every citizen of Haldimand.  

In very weak and thinly veiled attempts to justify their votes, Buck Sloat stood up and angrily proclaimed that he missed out on attending a private function for which the invitation was sent to Mayor Trainer. If someone wanted him at their function, is it not logical to assume they would send an invitation to him?

Leroy Bartlett offered the explanation that this is nothing personal against the Mayor (which of course it is) and that this is about better communication between the offices of the Mayor and the soon to be replaced Chief Administrative Officer.

Lorne Boyko repeated the same propaganda that this is about a “good relationship” between the Mayor and the CAO. A good relationship based on the complete undermining of the authority of the Chief Executive Officer of the County, Mayor Marie Trainer. If that makes sense to anyone, please feel free to comment and explain so that I too may understand this twilight zone logic.

Kudos to Craig Grice for having the guts to stand up in the middle of this insanity and say that he has no interest in the personal email of the Mayor.

Congratulations are also in order for the way Mayor Trainer handled herself against these jackles tonight. She made it very clear that at no time did any member of Council have the guts to say to her face that they felt there was a problem with the way the email system works, that this is an outright attack on the privacy of her constituents, and many other excellent statements that will be reported on in the coming days. She also made a point of explaining to those in attendance after the vote that your emails to her are no longer private.

Audio and Video from this meeting will be coming soon on

Much more detailed information is forthcoming. Those are the basics of tonights Council meeting. Your rights mean nothing to your councillors, and they feel they have to right to undercut the authority of the CEO of the County Mayor Trainer because one of them missed a function that nobody sent him an invitation to personally.

Jeff Parkinson

 August 8th, 2007

Each and every resident of Haldimand County who cares about Democracy is needed in Council Chambers this coming Monday night August 13th @ 6pm as Council continues to try to force through a resolution to deny the public the right to privacy in their correspondence with Mayor Marie Trainer. Council was forced today to defer this issue until Monday by a request from the Ministry to investigate whether they are even legally allowed to pass such an absurd resolution and the issue will be spoken to on Monday night at 6pm.

I have just returned from spending 2 days in Cayuga at Haldimand County Council meetings and have witnessed with my own eyes Haldimand Council fighting desperately against democracy and the citizens who elected them.

As those who read the previous post by Mark Vandermaas are aware, Council set forth a resolution that they should each be copied every email and every piece of letter mail coming and going from the office of Mayor Marie Trainer. This is being done out of sheer contempt for the fact that Mayor Trainer refuses to join them in becoming puppets for the McGuinty Liberals. Many residents do not wish to speak to their Council member because they will not receive a response or would prefer to receive an honest one so they go to the only person they know still speaks for and represents them, Mayor Trainer.

This was designed to sneak through quietly by being on the Tuesday morning after a long weekend and buried in the agenda for the day with other business so nobody would notice. Donna Pitcher – Haldimands Unheard Voice made us aware of the situation and I attended yesterday August 7 along with Mark Vandermaas, and some citizens of Haldimand.


What does the Canadian Taxpayers Federation who represent your rights as taxpayers think about this “occupation” and our Government offering your money to Terrorists?

Here’s one brief quote from a recent statement

The federal government has made an offer of $125 million to Ontario’s Six Nations to resolve four outstanding land claims. This offer sends a message to natives everywhere in Canada that the rule of law will not be enforced and that occupations will end with a cash offer. ”

 – 100+ links to statements from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation

By Mark Vandermaas –

Gary McHale asked me to join Haldimand resident Donna Pitcher on the bridge in Dunnville to cover her one-woman protest/plea that the OPP keep the bridge open should native protesters decide to block it as part of their National Day of Action. My job was to gather photo/video evidence of any native actions, and to gather evidence to be used against the OPP should they refuse to enforce the law, or decide to violate the rights of non-native protesters. 

The natives stayed away, but the same can’t be said for the ham-fisted OPP. If it weren’t for them and their silly police state tactics the only story I’d be telling today would be about the awesome people of Dunnville(!) and the sunburn I got while admiring the scenery and wildlife from the middle of their bridge over the Grand River. Fortunately for us, the OPP – once again – just couldn’t resist harassing non-native, law-abiding, peaceful people as if we were the ones threatening Canada’s infrastructure.

The OPP drove by once and stopped to ask when Donna was leaving the bridge. Later, a couple of officers on foot came by for a couple of minutes and then left. At 1:30 they returned just as a small group of about 7 people were standing with us. They informed us that they had been “ordered to request that we leave the bridge.”

Read the full story here Much more at

During this past weekend, the OPP Launched their new Hi-Tech BoatVan to ensure they could patrol the Grand River without people seeing them. Unlike the old boats, which are quite easy to see at a distance the new Hi-Tech BoatVan will be completely unseen.

For more details & more pictures click here

Check out these blog reviews of June 29th to see what some of you fellow Canadians are thinking. Courtesy of

  Thoughts on Native “Day of Action”

  Everyone is getting tired – The protestors want confrontation

  The Natives: “It certainly was a good test run for us”

  Mr. McGuinty.. Your spine is in the room to the left…

  A Canadian Double Standard

  OPP Issue token warrant for Shawn Brant – Fail to enforce it

  Majesty of the law

  Day of Regret by Garth Turner

  Shawn Brant is a Terrorist

  Mohawk Protestors realize they are idiots

  Day of Protest – Chance to Educate or Excuse to Disturb?

  Solidarity schism

  Armed Terrorists Openly Walking Around in Canada Right Now

If you are a resident of a town affected by these Terrorists (Caledonia, Deseronto, Ipperwash, Dunville, Hagersville) and want to have your say, you’re welcome to submit an editorial to this site to be published in a residents section. The guidelines are simple. No racist remarks, no calls for violence, and please try to express yourself without swearing. Unless you request it, your contact information will NOT be provided to the public.

Please submit any editorials you may wish to have published to

Stay tuned to for all the latest as it happens