Archive for the ‘DCE Tapes’ Category

UPDATE: March 1st 2010. As most know, the site hosting the tapes was down around the time I originally posted this article. That was perhaps due to a glitch of some kind and the tapes are all once again active for your listening pleasure.

January 26, 2010

by Jeff Parkinson

This is a topic that we’ve discussed before, but a growing number of people are coming to this site by searching for the tapes, and many are taking the time to listen to them for what may be the first time. Also we have a new found audience among the media who are hungry for information regarding Caledonia, and these tapes are certainly worthy of their attention.

During the tumultuous summer of 2006, while under siege from a group of extremists, some clever residents of Caledonia uncovered the code for the radios of the self proclaimed “DCE Security” and began recording. What they captured was Natives talking about shooting police officers, interfering with the pursuit of a vehicle that refused to stop for the OPP, interfering with the routing of an ambulance, interfering with a shots fired investigation on the sixth line road, talking about shooting the driver of a truck who mistakenly turned into the entrance of DCE, and much more.

The tapes were given to Gary McHale who made them available to the media at a time when people like Fantino were proclaiming that all was quiet in Caledonia so long as the “outsiders” stayed away.

After hearing multiple death threats issued, the CBC decided they wanted to do a documentary on the matter. This was pulled just hours before it was to air, and the tapes seemed set to fade into obscurity because for any of us to publish these recordings would open us up to substantial fines from the CRTC according to reliable sources at the time.

In September 2007, someone created a website on which excerpts of the tapes were posted. The site consists purely of DCE tapes content and it appears that the administrator has not updated it in any way since then. Much as I did in 2007, I would like to thank the person responsible for taking the risk to get them in the public domain.

I would strongly encourage anyone who has not yet done so to go and listen to  the tapes for yourself here.

You can be sure that if residents were able to crack the code, the OPP had already done it and was well aware of the threats being made. Rather than issuing a press release informing the public of the serious danger posed by the DCE thugs, the OPP opted to downplay the situation at every turn and tried to convince the public that everything was calm and peaceful.

An in depth description of the content of the tapes is available in my original post, and on the site hosting them.

UPDATE: January 28, 2010; The content of the tapes has been pulled from the site hosting them, but the posts with descriptions of the tapes remain. We don’t and may never know who is responsible for having them pulled, but I think we can all take a pretty good guess.

As first reported on, someone out there has started releasing the DCE / OPP radio transmission tapes. What’s been published thus far is just a small sample of the countless hours of tape that exist, but it’s a powerful example of the way the DCE Criminals figuratively and literally walk all over the OPP.

I strongly urge everyone to listen to these before the McGuinty government and the OPP make them disappear.

The first of the tapes demonstrates clearly the double standard the OPP use to enforce the joke of a 100′ “no go zone” around DCE. Officers have threatened to arrest me personally for trying to get within 200′ of this area with a camera but in this clip we hear them observing Natives in the zone armed with a bat, a pipe, and a club with a blade on the end of it. No effort is made to stop or question them of course.

The second lets us listen in as the OPP talk about hearing gunshots and determine them to be coming from “behind that residence on the DCE”. The same OPP who have claimed there are no gunshots and residents were hearing firecrackers.

The third lets us listen in as the OPP watch Natives from DCE trespass on private property to steal someone’s Canadian flags. They make no effort to stop this crime, and when the Natives get upset the OPP leave the scene so they can continue their criminals act in peace.
